“I’d love to travel one day…”
“One day, I’d love to visit Europe.”
“If only I had more time to go on vacation. Maybe one day.”
These phrases have come out of my mouth with alarming frequency. Can you relate?
Hello, my name is Liz, and I’m a one day wanderer.
It’s a catchphrase that I literally just coined that describes anyone who puts off their travel ambitions, with the hope that “one day” will come around. One day we’ll take that trip we’ve been dreaming of for years. That time will eventually come… right?
Yeah, sure. One day, we’ll hop over those roadblocks. No problem. We’ll totally figure out how to solve those budget issues, overcome the feeling of overwhelm, and tackle the lack of planning.
Some day…
… Oof, what a dangerous phrase. After all, how many times do we state the same goals over & over, only to let it slip by the wayside without a plan in place? How many times have I scrolled through Instagram, envying the adventures of others, and saying to myself, “Not now… maybe some other time.”
Way too often. In fact, I was mindlessly scrolling through Instagram not even ten minutes ago.
Enough. No more putting it off. There’s so much to explore in this world! Let’s see more of it.
A little about me…
My name is Liz, a twenty-something living in Los Angeles and working full-time in the fashion industry. Although I’m basically a full-fledged California girl now, I’m originally from the beautiful city of New Orleans. Naturally, this means that food is pretty damn important to me.
Besides food, my main loves are writing and photography. Writing has been a major part of my life since kindergarten, and I have the embarrassing stories written in crayon to prove it. Photography has also been a constant hobby of mine for over a decade, but I think I’ve deleted all early evidence of my photography. (It was really bad, just trust me.)
Combine the two passions together, and I’d say you have a good equation for a blog. So hey, world. This is it.
So… what kinds of posts can you expect from One Day Wander?
Personal travel experiences, to start. It can’t be a “one day” goal forever, after all. If you don’t see me post about my own travel experiences for a while, please call me out! I promise I won’t be offended.
I also want to help as many others as possible to achieve their goal of traveling more frequently. I’ll share every single tip & trick I learn along the way for decreasing travel costs. I’ll be writing about how to create actionable plans to save for more travel experiences. Not only that, but I’ll also be exploring how you can take more weekend trips or day trips close to home.
Related post: Speaking of weekend trips… read more about my trip to the beautiful La Jolla beaches in San Diego.
Because who says that traveling more often means you have to go overseas or see 20 countries in one year?
There are amazing things to explore just around the corner if you’re willing to take a look.
There is an opportunity for adventure in every place and every moment.
Except, of course, those moments where you’re re-filling your bottle at the water cooler at work. Can’t really see many opportunities for excitement there.
Hey, what do I know, though? Prove me wrong by snapping a photo of your water cooler experience. Once you’re done, don’t forget to tag me on Instagram!
My challenge for you – should you choose to accept it…
Comment below and let me know, “What is your biggest roadblock to traveling more often?”
Let’s talk about it, brainstorm some good ideas, and squash this “one day” nonsense for good.